Welcome to Love Tabernacle Internation!

My name is Vernon Williams (pictured below).

Vernon Williams

Having traveled and spoken internationally,
our desire is to assist in equipping the saints through
providing free teaching material and
other ministerial assistance
to local pastors in their native countries.

God has called us thru Love Tabernacle
to fashion vessels (people) of honor
to carry His glory (manifested presence of Love)
(2 Tim 2:20-21), thru:
establishing local congregations,
reaching the lost,
teaching the Word of Life       
(Phil 2:15-16),
establishing bible training schools (nationally and internationally),
training / equipping / releasing people into their God-given ministries,
supporting other ministries, and
establishing orphanages internationally.

Vernon brings forth the message of the manifested love of God towards His people, clearly revealing the love and character of God, to transform the Body of Christ into the image of Jesus Christ.
